How to run live date updates in the Linux terminal?

How to run live date updates in the Linux terminal?

To display live date updates in the Linux terminal, you can use a few different methods. Here's a guide for some common approaches:

1. Using the watch Command

The watch command in Linux runs a command repeatedly and shows the output in real time. You can use it to display the current date and time:

watch -n 1 date
  • The -n 1 flag specifies that the date command should be run every second.

  • This will continuously display the current date and time in your terminal.

2. Using a while Loop in Bash

You can create a simple loop in the terminal that will keep updating the date every second:

while true; do clear; date; sleep 1; done
  • clear: Clears the terminal to keep the output clean.

  • date: Prints the current date and time.

  • sleep 1: Waits for 1 second before the next update.

To exit the loop, press Ctrl + C.

3. Using watch with a Custom Date Format

If you want to customize the date format, you can modify the date command and use watch:

watch -n 1 "date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'"

This will show the current date and time in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

4. Displaying Time in the Terminal Status Line (for Zsh or Bash)

You can modify your terminal's status bar to display the time continuously, which is useful if you want to see the time without running a separate command.

For Bash:

You can modify the PS1 variable in your ~/.bashrc file:

PS1='\u@\h \[\e[32m\]\t \[\e[0m\]\w\$ '
  • \t: Displays the time in HH:MM:SS format.

  • Save the file and reload the bash configuration:

      source ~/.bashrc

For Zsh:

Modify the PROMPT variable in your ~/.zshrc file:

PROMPT='%n@%m %* %~ %# '
  • %*: Displays the time.

  • Save the file and reload the zsh configuration:

      source ~/.zshrc

5. Using the date Command in a Script

If you'd like to run this in a script to continuously show the date, you can create a simple Bash script:

  1. Create a file named
  1. Add the following code:
while true; do
  date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
  sleep 1
  1. Make the script executable:
chmod +x
  1. Run the script:

This will display the live date and time, which are updated every second.

These are a few ways to show live date updates in the Linux terminal! Each method has its unique advantages depending on whether you need simplicity (watch), customization (loops), or integration into your terminal status line (modifying PS1/PROMPT).